Jumat, 10 Juli 2020

English Proficiency Institutional Test


English Education Department with ASEED proudly present:

✨EPIT 2020 (English Proficiency Institutional Test)✨
"Evaluate your english skills with EPIT 2020."

Let's join us to test and evaluate your english skills. Registration time is up to 13th July 2020 and the test will be held on:

📆 : 16th July 2020
📍 : Google Meet & Web Nuadu (conducted online/test from home)
💰 : 80K

Payment :
BCA 8415320830
a/n Nurul Izzah
❗participants are also required to confirm
Registration & Payment by filling the link: bit.ly/regist-epit2020❗

Last but not least, the usefulness of EPIT certificates🌻
EPIT certificate can be used for several purposes :
1. Pass the EPIT to join the alumni
2. To monitor the progress of participants taking part in an English language training program
3. Take the EPIT to boost your CV
4. An investment that’s worth it
5. A reputable test recognized by recruiters
6. Further study admission requirement.

📱CP :
- Hilya (089631751819)
- Nurul (082127388363)

More info:
@aseedunsika (instagram)
So, what are you waiting for guys?
Lets join & get the benefits!! 🤙🏻✨

Association of Students of English Education Department.

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Universitas Singaperbangsa,

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